All functions in this file are of the form CLC_<Element>_Info1(DOM-Obj_Element). It is the responsiblity of whoever is using these functions to ensure that only the CORRECT DOM-Obj_Element is fed into these functions. There is no checking!
An example of using this would be taking a DOM-Obj with a tagName of "A" and an href value of "" and feeding this DOM-Obj into CLC_A_Info1 by using the following code (assuming that the DOM-Obj is called TARGETOBJ):
var link_info_string = CLC_A_Info1(TARGETOBJ);
The expected result would be that you get an alert box popup which says: "E-mail Link."
Function Name | Message String in English | Additional Notes |
CLC_A_Info1 | "E-mail Link" or "External Link" or "Internal Link" or "Link" or NULL_STRING |
"E-mail Link" if it is e-mail link, "External Link" if the link leads to a different page, "Internal Link" if the link leads to a place within the current page, and "Link" if the link leads somewhere but it is not obvious which of the above categories would be appropriate. If the A element is there only as an anchor and does not lead anywhere, NULL_STRING will be returned. This is actually just a shell function that calls CLC_Link_Info1 and is only provided to allow for naming convention consistency. |
CLC_Abbr_Info1 | NULL_STRING | Abbreviations are only revealed when queried. |
CLC_Acronym_Info1 | NULL_STRING | Acronyms are only revealed when queried. |
CLC_Blockquote_Info1 | "Block Quote" | None |
CLC_Body_Info1 | "Body with X headings and Y links." | X is the number of headings in the body and Y is the number of links in the body. |
CLC_Button_Info1 | "Button" | None |
CLC_Caption_Info1 | "Caption" | None |
CLC_Fieldset_Info1 | "Fieldset Legend: X." or "Fieldset has no legend." |
X is the text contained in the Legend that is under the Fieldset. |
CLC_Frame_Info1 | "FRAME_TITLE FRAME_NAME CONTENT_TITLE" "Untitled frame. Frame source: CONTENT_URL" |
FRAME_TITLE is the text in the "title" attribute of the frame, FRAME_NAME is the "name" attribute of the frame, CONTENT_TITLE is the title of the web page inside the frame, CONTENT_URL is the URL for the web page inside the frame. |
CLC_H1_Info1 | "Heading level 1." | None |
CLC_H2_Info1 | "Heading level 2." | None |
CLC_H3_Info1 | "Heading level 3." | None |
CLC_H4_Info1 | "Heading level 4." | None |
CLC_H5_Info1 | "Heading level 5." | None |
CLC_H6_Info1 | "Heading level 6." | None |
CLC_Html_Info1 | "H T M L title. TITLE" or "Untitled H T M L." |
"H T M L title. TITLE" where TITLE is the title of the page (found inside the TITLE element which is inside HEAD element) if it exists. If there is no title for the page, "Untitled H T M L." is returned. H T M L is purposely spaced out just in case to make sure that TTS engines know to read it as separate letters. |
CLC_Img_Info1 | "Graphic" or NULL_STRING |
"Graphic" if there is an alt attribute with accompanying alt text or if there is no alt attribute at all. NULL_STRING if there is an alt attribute that is explicitly set to a null string (which indicates that the IMG element was only decorative and does not convey any real content). Note that the accompanying alt text (if it exists) is NOT returned as part of the string; it is up to the screen reader to pick up the textContent of the IMG object and read it out. |
CLC_Input_Info1 | "Radio button" or "Text blank" or "Password blank" or "Submit button" or "Check box" or "Reset button" |
"Radio button" if the Input element has a type of "radio"; "Text blank" if the Input element has a type of "text"; "Password blank" if the Input element has a type of "password"; "Submit button" if the Input element has a type of "submit"; "Check box" if the Input element has a type of "checkbox"; "Reset button" if the Input element has a type of "reset." |
CLC_Label_Info1 | NULL_STRING | Labels should not be announced since they are treated as part of their input's text content. |
CLC_Legend_Info1 | NULL_STRING | Legends should not be announced since they are already announced as part of announcing the fieldset that they belong to. |
CLC_Li_Info1 | "Bullet" or "X" |
"Bullet" if the LI element is not in an ordered list; else, "X" where X is the number of the LI element in the ordered list. |
CLC_Link_Info1 | "E-mail Link" or "External Link" or "Internal Link" or "Link" or NULL_STRING |
"E-mail Link" if it is e-mail link, "External Link" if the link leads to a different page, "Internal Link" if the link leads to a place within the current page, and "Link" if the link leads somewhere but it is not obvious which of the above categories would be appropriate. If the A element is there only as an anchor and does not lead anywhere, NULL_STRING will be returned. |
CLC_Ol_Info1 | "Ordered list TITLE with X items" | TITLE is the title of the OL element if it is titled, and X is the number of LI elements that are directly under it. |
CLC_Select_Info1 | "Select box" | None |
CLC_Table_Info1 | "Summary: SUMMARY. Table with X columns and Y
rows" or "Table with X columns and Y rows" |
"Summary: SUMMARY. Table with X columns and Y rows," where SUMMARY is the text in the summary attribute, X is the number of columns, and Y is the number of rows. The "Summary: SUMMARY" portion will be omitted if table is probably a layout table and there is no summary attribute. If the table is probably a data table but there is no summary attribute, the string will be, "No summary available." |
CLC_Textarea_Info1 | "Text area" | None |
CLC_Th_Info1 | "Column header" or "COLUMN_INFO Row header" |
Will be identified as a column header or a row header depending on its scope. If it is a row header and there is appropriate column information, that column information will be inserted in front of the text "Row header." COLUMN_INFO is the same as what would be identified for a TD element by the CLC_Td_Info1 function. |
CLC_Td_Info1 | "COLHEADING" or "Guessed Heading HEADING" or NULL_STRING |
If there is a TH element defined as the column heading, COLHEADING will be returned. Else, if it is guessed to be a data table, the TD element in the first row that is in the same column will be used as HEADING in the return value of "Guessed Heading HEADING." If it is guessed to be a layout table, NULL_STRING is returned. |
CLC_Ul_Info1 | "Unnumbered list TITLE with X items" | TITLE is the title of the UL element if it is titled, and X is the number of LI elements that are directly under it. |